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Foundational seminars to guide your life-long leadership practice.

Developing Your Personal Leadership Manifesto

What don't I want as a leader?

How do I want to lead?

What future will I create?


Reflect upon your personal experience

to create a vision of leadership.

Seminar 1

Seminar 2

Cultivating Work-Life Balance

An introduction to the practice of modeling, setting boundaries, and realizing your intended outcome by asking the right questions framed within the context of practicing balance.

Seminar 3

Community and Belonging

Discover the monastic practice of servant leadership to facilitate conversations that encourage

possibility, generosity, and restoration.

Seminar 4

The Art of Convening

Designing gracious space, holding tension,

and practicing dialogic communication.

Seminar 5

The Next Right Answer

Coaching high performing teams

and leading organizational change.

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